Water stored in Matka contains enough nutrients and minerals that prevent sun-strokes and maintains body glucose.
Drinking Matka water keeps your body hydrated and improves digestion and metabolism.
Sore throat is a common problem in summer that can be eradicated in summer.
As we know that the human body is acidic and Matka has alkaline properties that try to maintain good pH levels.
The pots are environmentally-friendly. You can use the clay pot as long as the water remains cool and start using it as a plant pot when it’s time to replace the old one.
No electricity is needed to cool the water. They are biodegradable or recycled.
How to use a new clay water pot?
Wash the new Matka with normal tap water.
Fill the Matka with water for 24 hours and discard the water the next day. You can use this water for plants.
Repeat the same above process for the second day.
Now, from the third day start drinking the fresh-water.
Never wrap the Matka with a cloth as this might slow the process of cooling the water.
When to discard Matka?
Any normal Matka can be used year long. Yet, if you observe that the Matka has some cracks or lost the effect of cooling, it is time to replace the old pot with a new one.
Summer is here. Temperature is going to rise in the coming days. How about enjoying cool water from Matka? I call it a natural refrigerator.
The science behind the cooling
We often observe that water placed in Matka is cooler in summer than in winters. Have you ever thought about why the water is cooler in hot climates even if the temperature is around 50 degrees outside? The water cools on a simple evaporation process.
The water inside the pot enters the small pores in the pot and through which the water gets evaporated. The heat required to evaporate the water from the pores is taken from the water stored inside the pot. Thus, the water stored in the mud pots or Matka is cooler in summers than in winters.
Drinking Matka or clay pot water is an age-old traditional process that can quench thirst easier. Many feel that water being not too warm nor not too cold is the reason to enjoy the flavour of the water. And, many are unaware of the fact how the water becomes cool even on a hot sunny day. So, here is the article which tries to explain to you the process of cooling water, benefits and how to use a new pot.